Music Lesson Plan
10 Customized Lessons to Intruduce Music to Your Kids

Percussion Instruments
Sample Lesson Plan
Lesson 1 Proper stick holding
Lesson 2 What are notes?
Lesson 3 Quarter notes
Lesson 4 Eighth notes
Lesson 5 Sixteenth notes
Lesson 6 Basic drum rudiments
Lesson 7 First solo
Lesson 8 Intro to bells
Lesson 9 Scales
Lesson 10 Second solo

Percussion Instruments
Sample Lession Plan
Lesson 1- Proper stick holding
Lesson 2- What are notes?
Lesson 3- Quarter notes
Lesson 4- Eighth notes
Lesson 5- Sixteenth notes
Lesson 6- Basic drum rudiments
Lesson 7- First solo
Lesson 8- Intro to bells
Lesson 9- Scales
Lesson 10- Second solo The lessons are designed to build off of each other.

Percussion Instruments
Sample Lession Plan
Lesson 1- Proper stick holding
Lesson 2- What are notes?
Lesson 3- Quarter notes
Lesson 4- Eighth notes
Lesson 5- Sixteenth notes
Lesson 6- Basic drum rudiments
Lesson 7- First solo
Lesson 8- Intro to bells
Lesson 9- Scales
Lesson 10- Second solo The lessons are designed to build off of each other.

Percussion Instruments
Sample Lession Plan
Lesson 1- Proper stick holding
Lesson 2- What are notes?
Lesson 3- Quarter notes
Lesson 4- Eighth notes
Lesson 5- Sixteenth notes
Lesson 6- Basic drum rudiments
Lesson 7- First solo
Lesson 8- Intro to bells
Lesson 9- Scales
Lesson 10- Second solo The lessons are designed to build off of each other.
Sample Lesson Plan
Lesson 1 Finger numbers & piano keyboard
Lesson 2 Low and high & rhythm in music
Lesson 3 Practice rhythm using left hand
Lesson 4 Practice rhythm using right hand
Lesson 5 Introducte notation
Lesson 6 Practice with both hands
Lesson 7 More practice with both hands
Lesson 8 White keys
Lesson 9 C position & playing legato
Lesson 10 First solo

String Instruments
Sample Lesson Plan
Lesson 1 Learn the easiest chords
Lesson 2 Hold the Ukulele
Lesson 3 Stum all the strings
Lesson 4 Change between two chords
Lesson 5 Start with C chord
Lesson 6 Learn more chord sequences
Lesson 7 Add some strumming
Lesson 8 Start with real songs
Lesson 9 Sing with your songs
Lesson 10 First solo